the madrigal, volume v
by robbie gamble
Downpours, absorption
more days of downpours
Today I was mute, the only prescient
being about the house as far as I could tell
rain in earnest conversation with the eaves
talk as thwack and spatter and resolve
As night fell, a last line of squall
scythed across the hillcrest
and a close crack of lightning
froze a hummingbird in silhouette
hunched at the feeder in sheeting
rain Dear heart, you’re a plodgy
instrument in precipitations like these
Cloy me an appetite Then flutter on
Robbie Gamble is the author of A Can of Pinto Beans, from Lily Poetry Review Press. His poems have appeared in the Atlanta Review, Carve, Lunch Ticket, RHINO, and The Sun. He worked for many years as a nurse practitioner caring for people caught in homelessness, and he now divides his time between Boston and Brattleboro, Vermont. www.robbiegamble.com