by meghan kemp-gee
Softboiled and brown, the eggs tasted
like getting away with something small
and wicked, small as beds of nails of dry hands catching distraction here and there like god or five-stringed
consonants in the word breaststroke,
faintly luxurious like light on loosened ribbons in the oils of portraits of old-fashioned young
ladies, somebody important’s daughters, like five-stringed compounding
of those clustered and curved letters
kindles wildness, mad connection, all things alike, enthralled alike.
Meghan Kemp-Gee is the author of WHAT I MEANT TO ASK: A CHAPBOOK (2022) and THE ANIMAL IN THE ROOM(forthcoming 2023). She also co-created CONTESTED STRIP, the world’s best comic about ultimate frisbee. She currently lives somewhere between North Vancouver BC and Fredericton NB. You can find her on Twitter @MadMollGreen