the madrigal, volume ii
by gopal lahiri
Almost without noticing
you have arrived and everywhere the light glows,
let your memory drums in the night
let the twilight colours dry
let people come, touch your feet
tell them how the nature divides the country.
Maybe we know each other better
I read lying down, the book on my chest,
it is the third lung
opening and closing in silence,
memories are all muddled up
and the image is entangled.
My time is a sad one of collapses
empty coffee pots are on the table
words fold up like bamboo mat,
the stars crumble, the dawn opens like dry petals
green leaves are dotted with blood
silence is now both sign and prayer.
Gopal Lahiri is an India based bilingual poet, editor, critic and translator and published in
English and Bengali language. He has authored 23 books to his credit. His poetry is also
published across various anthologies and in eminent journals of India and abroad. His poems
are translated in 14 languages. Recent credits: Ink Sweat & Tears, Catjun Mutt Press, Verse -
Virtual, Borderless Journal, Different Truth, Kitaab, Indian Literature, Piker Press, Scarlet Leaf
Review, The Daily Sun, Spillwords, Internationaltimes, NewYork Parrot, Tourvallie Review,
Indian Periodicals, Setu, Muse India, Glomag and elsewhere.