the madrigal, volume ii
Transatlantic Geometry
by joshua effiong
/history is sediment of time,
sturdy like diamond
to undo history, we ask time
to become cannibal, which is to say
we ask time to chew on its own
fangs/ —Abdulbaseet Yusuff
So, I coined this Middle Age form of
concept-generating activity from the
mixtape of time, two black bodies
lying horizontally on the deck of an
Atlantic ship = 180degrees. & if one
is vertical, he forms angle 90. Multiply
the wails + the sound of whips
& ÷ by the distance between home and
a Euro-american plantation. You could
hear the mediterranean wind whispering
the sour hymns of tribal betrayal & the
cries of another child nursing the disappearance
of a father, brother, mother, sister… Grief
is blackskinned, he prides in this colour like
an ancestral uniform. Stitched into the
anatomy of several black bodies, of offspring
birthed in the field of servitude to be named
Jackson just to fit in. These callous hands mould
us into a triangle,
a square,
a trapezoid,
a parallelogram,
any transatlantic geometric shape
that will vaporize the remnant of our
voice. To drive our hearts faraway
from home. This life is hexagonal
with numerous paths to freedom. I
tell you, freedom was the moment
we got our stipends, when we prayed
& hoped that this child we carry, sings
her first cry as freeborn.
Joshua Effiong [He] is a Nigerian writer and a lover of literature. His works has appeared in Eboquills, Kalahari Review & Shallow Tales Review. He is an author of a poetry chapbook Autopsy of Things Left Unnamed. When he is not writing, he is reading, watching movies and listening to music. An undergraduate of Science Laboratory Technology. He lives in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. And here he writes from. You can find him on Instagram @josh.effiong and twitter @JoshEffiong